Our aim is to combine proven methods and therapeutic strategies which encourages a positive behavioural framework to support our clients by ensuring they are safe from harm or abuse. At Asbury Care, we are passionate about delivering unrivalled, flexible and professional care which truly impacts the lives of our clients making them feel safe, respected, seen and heard. We believe everyone should have the right to live in freedom and safety and thus we are committed to understanding each client’s individual needs in an effective and compassionate way.
Our open-door policy means from the CEO to our support staff, we are all held accountable and encouraged to openly communicate and collaborate with our peers to achieve a desired outcome. Our policy aims to create a culture of trust, honesty, transparency and respect between all employees from senior management to first line support. This in turn means higher retention rates and familiar support workers for our clients. In addition to this, adherence to the Health and Social Care Act 2008 is crucial, ensuring the highest standards of care for our clients. By adhering to the Act’s framework, we guarantee that health and social care services are provided safely, effectively, and in a manner that meets the needs of individuals, families, and carers.
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